14 May the Lord remember the sins of his father, and may his mother’s sins never be erased.
15 May the Lord remember their sins forever, and may he cause people to forget his family completely.
16 He never did anything good. He never loved anyone. He made life hard for the poor and the helpless.
17 He loved to curse others, so let those bad things happen to him. He never blessed others, so don’t let good things happen to him.
18 Cursing was a daily part of his life, like the clothes he wears. Cursing others became a part of him, like the water he drinks and the oil he puts on his body.
19 So let curses cover him like the robe he wears and always surround him like a belt.”
20 My enemies said these evil things against me. But may those curses be the way the Lord punishes them.