1 All who are slaves should show full respect to their masters. Then no one will speak against God’s name and our teaching.
2 Some slaves have masters who are believers. This means they are all brothers. But the slaves should not show their masters any less respect. They should serve their masters even better, because they are helping believers they love.You must teach and preach these things.
3 If anyone has a different teaching, he does not accept the true teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. And that teaching shows him the true way to serve God.
4 The person who teaches falsely is full of pride and understands nothing. He is sick with a love for arguing and fighting about words. And that brings jealousy, making trouble, insults, and evil mistrust.
5 And that also brings arguments from men who have evil minds. They have lost the truth. They think that serving God is a way to get rich.
6 It is true that serving God makes a person very rich, if he is satisfied with what he has.
7 When we came into the world, we brought nothing. And when we die, we can take nothing out.