6 When we are in Christ Jesus, it is not important if we are circumcised or not. The important thing is faith—the kind of faith that works through love.
7 You were running a good race. You were obeying the truth. Who stopped you from following the true way?
8 Whatever way he used did not come from the One who chose you.
9 Be careful! “Just a little yeast makes the whole batch of dough rise.”
10 But I trust in the Lord that you will not believe those different ideas. Someone is confusing you with such ideas. And he will be punished, whoever he is.
11 My brothers, I do not teach that a man must be circumcised. If I teach circumcision, then why am I still being treated badly? If I still taught circumcision, my preaching about the cross would not be a problem.
12 I wish the people who are bothering you would castrate themselves!