13 Then Jesus went up on a hill and called some men to come to him. These were the men Jesus wanted, and they went up to him.
14 Jesus chose 12 men and called them apostles. He wanted these 12 to be with him, and he wanted to send them to other places to preach.
15 He also wanted them to have the power to force demons out of people.
16 These are the 12 men he chose: Simon (Jesus gave him the name Peter);
17 James and John, the sons of Zebedee (Jesus gave them the name Boanerges, which means “Sons of Thunder”);
18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot,
19 and Judas Iscariot. Judas is the one who gave Jesus to his enemies.