1 About that time John the Baptist came and began preaching in the desert area of Judea.
2 John said, “Change your hearts and lives because the kingdom of heaven is coming soon.”
3 John the Baptist is the one Isaiah the prophet was talking about. Isaiah said:“This is a voice of a manwho calls out in the desert:‘Prepare the way for the Lord.Make the road straight for him.’” Isaiah 40:3
4 John’s clothes were made from camel’s hair. He wore a leather belt around his waist. For food, he ate locusts and wild honey.
5 Many people went to hear John preach. They came from Jerusalem and all Judea and all the area around the Jordan River.
6 They told of the sins they had done, and John baptized them in the Jordan River.
7 Many of the Pharisees and Sadducees came to the place where John was baptizing people. When John saw them, he said: “You are snakes! Who warned you to run away from God’s anger that is coming?