21 When they put Moses outside, the king’s daughter took him. She raised him as if he were her own son.
22 The Egyptians taught Moses all the things they knew. He was a powerful man in the things he said and did.
23 “When Moses was about 40 years old, he thought it would be good to visit his brothers, the people of Israel.
24 Moses saw an Egyptian doing wrong to a Jew. So he defended the Jew and punished the Egyptian for hurting him. Moses killed the Egyptian.
25 Moses thought that his fellow Jews would understand that God was using him to save them. But they did not understand.
26 The next day, Moses saw two Jewish men fighting. He tried to make peace between them. He said, ‘Men, you are brothers! Why are you hurting each other?’
27 The man who was hurting the other man pushed Moses away. He said, ‘Who made you our ruler and judge?