13 God wants everyone to eat and drink and be happy in his work. These are gifts from God.
14 I know anything God does will continue forever. People cannot add anything to what God has done. And they cannot take anything away from it. God does it this way to cause people to honor him.
15 What happens now has also happened in the past.Things that will happen in the future have also happened before.God makes the same things happen again and again.
16 I also saw this here on earth:Where there should have been justice, there was evil.Where there should have been fairness, there was wickedness.
17 I certainly believe thatGod has planned a time for every thing and every action.He will judge both good people and bad people.
18 But I decided that God leaves it the way it is to test people. He wants to show them they are just like animals.
19 The same thing happens to animals and to people. They both have the same breath. So they both die. People are no better off than the animals. The lives of both are soon gone.