2 Both good and bad things happen to everyone.They happen to those who are fair and to those who are wicked.They happen to those who are good and to those who are evil.They happen to those who sacrifice and to those who do not.The same things happen to a good personas happen to a sinner.The same things happen to a person who makes promises to Godas to one who does not.
3 This is something unfair that happens here on earth. The same things happen to everyone. So men’s minds are full of evil and foolish thoughts while they live. After that, they join the dead.
4 But anyone still alive has hope. Even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!
5 The living know they will die.But the dead no longer think about such things.Dead people have no more reward.People forget them.
6 After a person is dead,he can no longer show love or hate or jealousy.And he will never again sharein the things that happen here on earth.
7 So go eat your food and enjoy it.Drink your wine and be happy.It is all right with Godif you do this.
8 Put on nice clothesand make yourself look good.