1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons. He said to them, “Have many children. Grow in number and fill the earth.
2 Every animal on earth and every bird in the sky will respect and fear you. So will every animal that crawls on the ground and every fish in the sea respect and fear you. I have given them to you.
3 “Everything that moves, everything that is alive, is yours for food. Earlier I gave you the green plants. And now I give you everything for food.
4 But you must not eat meat that still has blood in it, because blood gives life.
5 I will demand your blood for your lives. That is, I will demand the life of any animal that kills a person. And I will demand the life of anyone who takes another person’s life.
6 “Whoever kills a human beingwill be killed by a human being.This is because God made humansin his own image.
7 “Noah, I want you and your family to have many children. Grow in number on the earth and become many.”