4 He is like a bright light.Rays of light shine from his hand.And there he hides his power.
5 Sickness goes before him,and fever follows behind him.
6 The Lord stands and shakes the earth.He looks, and the nations shake with fear.The mountains, which stood for ages, break into pieces.The old hills fall down.God has always done this.
7 I saw that the tents of Cushan were in trouble.The tents of Midian trembled.
8 Lord, were you angry at the rivers?Were you angry at the streams?Were you angry with the seawhen you rode your horses and chariots to victory?
9 You uncovered your bow.You commanded many arrows to be brought to you. SelahYou split the earth with rivers.
10 The mountains saw you and shook with fear.The rushing water flowed by.The sea made a loud noise,and its waves rose high.