10 “When I found Israel,it was like finding grapes in the desert.Your ancestors were likefinding the first figs on the tree.But when they came to Baal Peor,they began worshiping an idol.They became as disgusting as the thing they worshiped.
11 Israel’s glory will fly away like a bird.There will be no more pregnancies, no more births, no more babies.
12 But even if the Israelites bring up children,I will take them all away.How terrible it will be for themwhen I turn away from them!
13 I have seen Israel, like Tyre,given a pleasant place.But the people of Israel will soon bring outtheir children to be killed.”
14 Lord, give them what they should have.What will you give them?Make their women unable to have children.Give them breasts that cannot feed their babies.
15 “The Israelites were wicked in Gilgal,so I began to hate them there.Because of the sinful things they have done,I will force them to leave my land.I will no longer love them.Their leaders have turned against me.
16 Israel is like a sick plant.Its root is dying, and it has no fruit.So the people will have no more children.And if they did, I would kill the children they love.”