Isaiah 49:3-9 ICB

3 The Lord told me, “Israel, you are my servant.I will show my glory through you.”

4 But I said, “I have worked hard for nothing.I have used all my power, but I did nothing useful.But the Lord will decide what my work is worth.God will decide my reward.”

5 The Lord made me in the body of my motherso I would be his servant.He made me to lead the people of Jacob back to him.He made me so that Israel might be gathered to him.The Lord will honor me.I will get my strength from my God.

6 The Lord told me,“You are an important servant to me.You will bring back the tribes of Jacob.You will bring back the people of Israel who are left alive.But, more importantly, I will make you a light for all nations.You will show people all over the world the way to be saved.”

7 The Lord is your close relative who saves you.He is the Holy One of Israel.He speaks to the one who is hated by the people.He speaks to the servant of rulers.The Lord says, “Kings will see you and stand to honor you.Great leaders will bow down before you.This is because the Lord can be trusted.He is the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.”

8 This is what the Lord says:“At the right time I will hear your prayers.On the day of salvation I will help you.I will protect you.And you will be the sign of my agreement with the people.You will bring back the people to the land.You will give the land that is now ruined back to its owners.

9 You will tell the prisoners, ‘Come out of your prison.’You will tell those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’The people will eat beside the roads.They will find food even on bare hills.