17 I never sat with the crowdas they laughed and had fun.I sat by myself because you were there.You filled me with anger at the evil around me.
18 I don’t understand why my pain has no end.I don’t understand why my injury is not cured or healed!Lord, will you be like a brook that goes dry?Will you be like a spring whose water stops flowing?
19 So this is what the Lord says:“If you change your heart and come back to me, I will take you back.Then you may serve me.You must speak things that have worth.You must not speak useless words.Then you may speak for me.Let the people of Judah turn to you.But you must not change and be like them.
20 I will make you as strong as a wall to this people.You will be as strong as a wall of bronze.They will fight against you.But they will not defeat you.This is because I am with you.I will rescue you and save you,” says the Lord.
21 “I will save you from these evil people.I will save you from these cruel people.”