1 This message is about the Ammonite people. This is what the Lord says:“Do you think that Israel has no sons?Do you think there is no one to take the land when the parents die?Maybe that is why Molech took Gad’s land.Maybe that is why Molech’s people live in Gad’s towns.”
2 The Lord says,“The time will come when I will makethe capital city of Rabbah Ammon hear the battle cry.It will be a hill covered with ruins.And the towns around it will be burned.Those people forced Israel out of that land.But now the people of Israel will force them out!” says the Lord.
3 “People in Heshbon, cry because the town of Ai is destroyed!Those who live in Rabbah Ammon, cry out!Put on your rough cloth to show your sadness, and cry loudly.Run here and there for safety inside the walls.This is because the enemy will take Molech away as a captive.They will also take away his priests and officers with him.
4 You brag about your valleys.You brag about the fruit in your valleys.You are like an unfaithful child.You believe your treasures will save you.You think, ‘Who would attack me?’
5 I will bring terror on youfrom every side,”says the Master, the Lord of heaven’s armies.“You will all be forced away.No one will be able to gather you.