15 “Go away! You are unclean,” people shouted at them.“Get away! Get away! Do not touch us!”So they left and wandered around.The other nations said, “Don’t stay here.”
16 The Lord himself scattered them.He did not look after them anymore.He did not respect the priests.He showed no mercy to the elders.
17 Also, our eyes grew tiredlooking for help that never came.We kept watch from our towersfor a nation to save us.
18 Our enemies hunted usso we could not even walk in the streets.Our end came near. Our time was up.Our end came.
19 The men who chased uswere faster than eagles in the sky.They ran us into the mountains.They ambushed us in the desert.
20 The Lord’s appointed king, who was our very breath,was caught in their traps.We had said about him, “We will be protected by himamong the nations.”
21 Be happy and glad, people of Edom,you who live in the land of Uz.But the Lord’s anger is like a cup of wine that you also will have to drink.Then you will get drunk on it and make yourselves naked.