16 and that they committed their government to one man every year, who ruled over all their country, and that all were obedient to that one, and that there was neither envy nor emulation among them.
17 In consideration of these things, Judas chose Eupol´emus the son of John, the son of Hakkoz, and Jason the son of Ele-a´zar, and sent them to Rome, to make a league of amity and confederacy with them,
18 and to intreat them that they would take the yoke from them; for they saw that the kingdom of the Greeks did oppress Israel with servitude.
19 They went therefore to Rome, which was a very great journey, and came into the senate, where they spake and said,
20 Judas Maccabe´us with his brethren, and the people of the Jews, have sent us unto you, to make a confederacy and peace with you, and that we might be registered your confederates and friends.
21 So that matter pleased the Romans well.
22 And this is the copy of the epistle which the senate wrote back again in tables of brass, and sent to Jerusalem, that there they might have by them a memorial of peace and confederacy: