19 ‘Cursed be the one who deprives the alien, the orphan, and the widow of justice.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
20 ‘Cursed be the one who lies with the wife of his father, because he has dishonored his father’s bed.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
21 ‘Cursed be the one who lies with any kind of animal.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
22 ‘Cursed be the one who lies with his sister, the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
23 ‘Cursed be the one who lies with his mother-in-law.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
24 ‘Cursed be the one who strikes down his neighbor in secret.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
25 ‘Cursed be the one who takes a bribe to murder an innocent person.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’