47 And you have not only gone in their ways, but you also did according to their detestable things. In such a short time you behaved more corruptly than they in all of your ways.
48 As surely as I live,’ declares the Lord Yahweh, ‘surely your sister Sodom and her daughters did not do as you and your daughters did.
49 Look! This was the iniquity of Sodom, your sister: Pride, abundance of food, and prosperous ease was to her and to her daughters, and she did not sustain the needy and the poor.
50 And they were proud, and they did a detestable thing before me, and I removed them because I saw it.
51 And Samaria did not sin according to even half of your sins, and you caused your detestable things to increase more than they, and you made your sister righteous in comparison with all of your detestable things that you did.
52 Also, you bear your disgrace, by which you furnished justification to your sisters through your sins by which you acted more abominably than they; they were more righteous than you, and also, you be ashamed and bear your disgrace through your making your sister righteous.
53 And I will restore their fortune, the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters, and the fortunes of Samaria and her daughters, and even the fortunes of your captivity in the midst of them,