5 when they are afraid of heights,even the terrors along the road;the almond tree blossoms,the grasshopper drags itself alongand desire fails,because man goes to his eternal home,and the mourners go about the streets.
6 Remember your Creator before the cord of silver is snapped,or the bowl of gold smashed,or the jar by the spring brokenor the wheel at the cistern crushed.
7 The dust returns to the earth where it was,and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
8 It is all vanity, says the Preacher;all is vanity.
9 And in addition to being wise, the Preacher still taught the people knowledge, and he considered, sought out, and arranged many proverbs.
10 And the Preacher sought to discover words of delight, and to write in uprightness words of truth.
11 The words of the wise are like goads, and the collected sayings are like firmly embedded nails, given by one shepherd.