3 Do not be hasty to leave his presence. Do not take a stand in an unpleasant matter, for he does whatever pleases him.”
4 For the word of the king is powerful, and who would say to him, “What are you doing?”
5 He who keeps his command will know no evil thing;and a wise heart will know the appropriate time and just way.
6 For to every matter there is an appropriate time and just way,though a man’s distress weighs heavily on him.
7 For he does not know what will happen;for who can declare to him what will occur?
8 There is not a man with mastery over the wind to restrain it,nor with power over the day of death.And no one can discharge a battle,nor can wickedness rescue the one possessing it.
9 All this I saw while applying my heart to every work that is done under the sun, when one man rules over another to the other’s hurt.