21 I will give it into the hands of the strangersas plunder and to the wicked of the earth for destruction,and they shall pollute it.
22 My face also I will turn from them,and they shall pollute My secret place;for the robbers shall enterand defile it.
23 Make a chain,for the land is full of bloody crimes,and the city is full of violence.
24 Therefore I will bring the worst of the nations,and they shall possess their houses;I will also make the pomp of the strong to cease,and their holy places shall be defiled.
25 When destruction comes,then they shall seek peace, but there shall be none.
26 Mischief shall come upon mischief,and rumor shall be upon rumor.Then they shall seek a vision of the prophet;but the law shall perish from the priest,and counsel from the elders.
27 The king shall mourn,and the prince shall be clothed with desolation,and the hands of the people of the land shall tremble.I will do to them according to their way,and according to what they deserve I will judge them.And they shall know that I am the Lord!