14 They lift up their voices; they sing for the majesty of the Lord;they cry aloud from the west.
15 Therefore glorify the Lord in the east,even the name of the Lord God of Israelin the coastlands of the sea.
16 From the uttermost part of the earth we hear songs,that is, “Glory to the Righteous One.” But I say, Woe to me! Woe to me!Alas for me!The treacherous deal treacherously;indeed, the treacherous deal very treacherously.
17 Terror and the pit and the snare are upon you,O inhabitant of the earth.
18 He who flees from the report of disastershall fall into the pit,and he who comes up out of the midst of the pitshall be taken in the snare. For the windows from on high are open,and the foundations of the earth shake.
19 The earth is utterly broken down,the earth is split through,the earth is shaken violently.
20 The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard,and it totters like a shack,and its transgression is heavy upon it,and it shall fall, never to rise again.