10 He shall not exchange it nor substitute it, good for bad or bad for good. If he in fact substitutes an animal for another, then both it and its substitute shall be holy.
11 If it is any sort of unclean animal that is not permitted as an offering to the Lord, then he shall present the animal before the priest.
12 And the priest shall set its value, whether good or bad; according to the equivalent value set by the priest, so shall it be.
13 But if he plans on redeeming it, then he shall add one-fifth to the equivalent value.
14 When a man consecrates his house as holy to the Lord, then the priest shall set its value, whether good or bad, according to the equivalent value set by the priest, so shall it be established.
15 If he who consecrates the house should redeem it, then he shall add one-fifth to its equivalent value, and it shall be his.
16 If a man shall consecrate to the Lord some of his land, then the equivalent value shall be according to the seed needed to sow it: fifty shekels of silver per homer of barley seed.