11 Yours, Lord, are greatness and might,majesty, victory, and splendor.For all in heaven and on earth is yours;yours, Lord, is kingship;you are exalted as head over all.
12 Riches and glory are from you,and you have dominion over all.In your hand are power and might;it is yours to give greatness and strength to all.
13 Therefore, our God, we give you thanksand we praise the majesty of your name.
14 “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should have the means to contribute so freely? For everything is from you, and what we give is what we have from you.
15 For before you we are strangers and travelers, like all our ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without a future.
16 Lord our God, all this wealth that we have brought together to build you a house for your holy name comes from you and is entirely yours.
17 I know, my God, that you put hearts to the test and that you take pleasure in integrity. With a whole heart I have willingly given all these things, and now with joy I have seen your people here present also giving to you generously.