5 They told the king what Jonathan had done in order to denigrate him; but the king said nothing.
6 Jonathan met the king with pomp at Joppa, and they greeted each other and spent the night there.
7 Jonathan accompanied the king as far as the river called Eleutherus and then returned to Jerusalem.
8 And so King Ptolemy took possession of the cities along the seacoast as far as Seleucia by the sea, plotting evil schemes against Alexander all the while.
9 He sent ambassadors to King Demetrius, saying: “Come, let us make a covenant with each other; I will give you my daughter whom Alexander has married, and you shall reign over your father’s kingdom.
10 I regret that I gave him my daughter, for he has sought to kill me.”
11 He was criticizing Alexander, however, because he coveted his kingdom.