10 For I have seen the captivitythat the Eternal One has broughtupon my sons and daughters.
11 With joy I nurtured them;but with mourning and lament I sent them away.
12 Let no one gloat over me,a widow, bereft of many;For the sins of my children I am left desolate,because they turned from the law of God,
13 and did not acknowledge his statutes;In the ways of God’s commandments they did not walk,nor did they tread the disciplined paths of his justice.
14 “Let Zion’s neighbors come—Remember the captivity of my sons and daughters,brought upon them by the Eternal One.
15 He has brought against them a nation from afar,a nation ruthless and of alien speech,That has neither reverence for old agenor pity for the child;
16 They have led away this widow’s beloved sons,have left me solitary, without daughters.