6 Let neither gluttony nor lust overcome me;do not give me up to shameless desires.
7 Listen, my children, to instruction concerning the mouth,for whoever keeps it will not be ensnared.
8 Through the lips the sinner is caught;by them the reviler and the arrogant are tripped up.
9 Do not accustom your mouth to oaths,or habitually utter the Holy Name.
10 Just as a servant constantly under scrutinywill not be without bruises,So one who swears continually by the Holy Namewill never remain free from sin.
11 Those who swear many oaths heap up offenses;and the scourge will never be far from their houses.If they swear in error, guilt is incurred;if they neglect their obligation, the sin is doubly great.If they swear without reason they cannot be declared innocent,for their households will be filled with calamities.
12 There are words comparable to death;may they never be heard in the inheritance of Jacob.To the devout all such words are foreign;they do not wallow in sin.