2 Like the choice fat of sacred offerings,so was David in Israel.
3 He played with lions as though they were young goats,and with bears, like lambs of the flock.
4 As a youth he struck down the giantand wiped out the people’s disgrace;His hand let fly the slingstonethat shattered the pride of Goliath.
5 For he had called upon the Most High God,who gave strength to his right armTo defeat the skilled warriorand establish the might of his people.
6 Therefore the women sang his praisesand honored him for “the tens of thousands.”When he received the royal crown, he battled
7 and subdued the enemy on every side.He campaigned against the hostile Philistinesand shattered their power till our own day.
8 With his every deed he offered thanksto God Most High, in words of praise.With his whole heart he loved his Maker