30 And as for you, depraved and wicked prince of Israel, a day is coming to end your life of crime.
31 Thus says the Lord God: Off with the turban and away with the crown! Nothing shall be as it was! Exalt the lowly and bring the exalted low!
32 A ruin, a ruin, a ruin, I shall make it! Nothing will be the same until the one comes to whom I have given it for judgment.
33 As for you, son of man, prophesy: Thus says the Lord God to the Ammonites and their insults:O sword, sword drawn for slaughter,burnished to consume, to flash lightning!
34 Your false visions and lying omens,Set you over the necks of the slain,the wicked whose day had come—an end to their life of crime.
35 Return to your scabbard!In the place you were created,In the land of your origin,I will judge you.
36 I will pour out my anger upon you,breathing my fiery wrath against you;I will hand you over to ravagers,artisans of destruction!