6 See! the princes of Israel within you use their power to shed blood.
7 Within you, father and mother are dishonored; they extort the resident alien in your midst; within you, they oppress orphans and widows.
8 What I consider holy you have rejected, and my sabbaths you have desecrated.
9 In you are those who slander to cause bloodshed; within you are those who feast on the mountains; in your midst are those whose actions are depraved.
10 In you are those who uncover the nakedness of their fathers; in you those who coerce women to intercourse during their period.
11 There are those in you who do abominable things with their neighbors’ wives, men who defile their daughters-in-law by incest, men who coerce their sisters to intercourse, the daughters of their own fathers.
12 There are those in you who take bribes to shed blood. You exact interest and usury; you extort profit from your neighbor by violence. But me you have forgotten—oracle of the Lord God.