14 With a cherub I placed you;I put you on the holy mountain of God,where you walked among fiery stones.
15 Blameless were you in your waysfrom the day you were created,Until evil was found in you.
16 Your commerce was full of lawlessness, and you sinned.Therefore I banished you from the mountain of God;the cherub drove you outfrom among the fiery stones.
17 Your heart had grown haughtybecause of your beauty;You corrupted your wisdombecause of your splendor.I cast you to the ground,I made you a spectaclein the sight of kings.
18 Because of the enormity of your guilt,and the perversity of your trade,you defiled your sanctuary.I brought fire out of you;it devoured you;I made you ashes on the groundin the eyes of all who see you.
19 All the nations who knew youare appalled on account of you;You have become a horror,never to be again.
20 The word of the Lord came to me: