9 Then take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt; put them into a single pot and make them into bread. Eat it for as many days as you lie upon your side, three hundred and ninety days.
10 The food you eat shall be twenty shekels a day by weight; each day you shall eat it.
11 And the water you drink shall be the sixth of a hin by measure; each day you shall drink it.
12 And the barley cake you eat you must bake on human excrement in the sight of all.
13 The Lord said: Thus the Israelites shall eat their food, unclean, among the nations where I drive them.
14 “Oh no, Lord God,” I protested. “Never have I defiled myself nor have I eaten carrion flesh or flesh torn by wild beasts, nor from my youth till now has any unclean meat entered my mouth.”
15 Very well, he replied, I will let you use cow manure in place of human dung. You can bake your bread on that.