43 Laban replied to Jacob: “The daughters are mine, their children are mine, and the flocks are mine; everything you see belongs to me. What can I do now for my own daughters and for the children they have borne?
44 Come, now, let us make a covenant, you and I; and it will be a treaty between you and me.”
45 Then Jacob took a stone and set it up as a sacred pillar.
46 Jacob said to his kinsmen, “Gather stones.” So they got stones and made a mound; and they ate there at the mound.
47 Laban called it Jegar-sahadutha, but Jacob called it Galeed.
48 Laban said, “This mound will be a witness from now on between you and me.” That is why it was named Galeed—
49 and also Mizpah, for he said: “May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are out of each other’s sight.