5 Before him went pestilence,and plague followed in his steps.
6 He stood and shook the earth;he looked and made the nations tremble.Ancient mountains were shattered,the age-old hills bowed low,age-old orbits collapsed.
7 The tents of Cushan trembled,the pavilions of the land of Midian.
8 Was your anger against the rivers, O Lord?your wrath against the rivers,your rage against the sea, That you mounted your steeds,your victorious chariot?
9 You readied your bow,you filled your bowstring with arrows.SelahYou split the earth with rivers;
10 at the sight of you the mountains writhed.The clouds poured down water;the deep roared loudly.The sun forgot to rise,
11 the moon left its lofty station,At the light of your flying arrows,at the gleam of your flashing spear.