4 I will deliver Egyptinto the power of a cruel master,A harsh king who shall rule over them—oracle of the Lord, the Lord of hosts.
5 The waters shall be drained from the sea,the river shall parch and dry up;
6 Its streams shall become foul,and the canals of Egypt shall dwindle and parch.Reeds and rushes shall wither away,
7 and bulrushes on the bank of the Nile;All the sown land along the Nileshall dry up and blow away, and be no more.
8 The fishermen shall mourn and lament,all who cast hook in the Nile;Those who spread their nets in the watershall pine away.
9 The linen-workers shall be disappointed,the combers and weavers shall turn pale;
10 The spinners shall be crushed,all the hired laborers shall be despondent.