11 Thus says the Lord,the Holy One of Israel, his maker:Do you question me about my children,tell me how to treat the work of my hands?
12 It was I who made the earthand created the people upon it;It was my hands that stretched out the heavens;I gave the order to all their host.
13 It was I who stirred him up for justice;all his ways I make level.He shall rebuild my cityand let my exiles go freeWithout price or payment,says the Lord of hosts.
14 Thus says the Lord:The earnings of Egypt, the gain of Ethiopia,and the Sabeans, tall of stature,Shall come over to you and belong to you;they shall follow you, coming in chains.Before you they shall bow down,saying in prayer:“With you alone is God; and there is none other,no other god!
15 Truly with you God is hidden,the God of Israel, the savior!
16 They are put to shame and disgrace, all of them;they go in disgrace who carve images.
17 Israel has been saved by the Lord,saved forever!You shall never be put to shame or disgracein any future age.”