6 Angry at my people,I profaned my heritageAnd gave them into your power;but you showed them no mercy;Upon the agedyou laid a very heavy yoke.
7 You said, “I shall remain always,a sovereign mistress forever!”You did not take these things to heart,but disregarded their outcome.
8 Now hear this, voluptuous one,enthroned securely,Saying in your heart,“I, and no one else!I shall never be a widow,bereft of my children”—
9 Both these things shall come to yousuddenly, in a single day:Complete bereavement and widowhoodshall come upon youDespite your many sorceriesand the full power of your spells;
10 Secure in your wickedness,you said, “No one sees me.”Your wisdom and your knowledgeled you astray,And you said in your heart,“I, and no one else!”
11 But upon you shall come an evilyou will not be able to charm away;Upon you shall fall a disasteryou cannot ward off.Upon you shall suddenly comea ruin you cannot imagine.
12 Keep on with your spellsand your many sorceries,at which you toiled from your youth.Perhaps you can prevail,perhaps you can strike terror!