8 He said: “They are indeed my people,children who are not disloyal.”So he became their savior
9 in their every affliction.It was not an envoy or a messenger,but his presence that saved them.Because of his love and pitythe Lord redeemed them,Lifting them up and carrying themall the days of old.
10 But they rebelledand grieved his holy spirit;So he turned to become their enemy,and warred against them.
11 Then they remembered the days of old, of Moses, his servant:Where is the one who brought up out of the seathe shepherd of his flock?Where is the one who placed in their midsthis holy spirit,
12 Who guided Moses by the hand,with his glorious arm?Where is the one who divided the waters before them—winning for himself an everlasting renown—
13 Who guided them through the depths,like horses in open country?
14 As cattle going down into the valley,they did not stumble.The spirit of the Lord guided them.Thus you led your people,to make for yourself a glorious name.