17 Like the east wind, I will scatter thembefore their enemies;I will show them my back, not my face,in their day of disaster.
18 “Come,” they said, “let us devise a plot against Jeremiah, for instruction will not perish from the priests, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophets. Come, let us destroy him by his own tongue. Let us pay careful attention to his every word.”
19 Pay attention to me, O Lord,and listen to what my adversaries say.
20 Must good be repaid with evilthat they should dig a pit to take my life?Remember that I stood before youto speak on their behalf,to turn your wrath away from them.
21 So now, give their children to famine,deliver them to the power of the sword.Let their wives be childless and widows;let their husbands die of pestilence,their youths be struck down by the sword in battle.
22 May cries be heard from their homes,when suddenly you send plunderers against them.For they have dug a pit to capture me,they have hidden snares for my feet;
23 But you, Lord, knowall their planning for my death.Do not forgive their crime,and their sin do not blot out from your sight!Let them stumble before you,in the time of your anger act against them.