6 You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, taking them far from their own country!
7 Look! I am rousing them from the place to which you sold them, and I will turn your deeds back upon your own head.
8 I will sell your sons and daughters to the Judahites who will sell them to the Sabeans, a distant nation. The Lord has spoken!
9 Announce this to the nations:Proclaim a holy war!Alert the warriors!Let all the soldiersreport and march!
10 Beat your plowshares into swords,and your pruning knives into spears;let the weakling boast, “I am a warrior!”
11 Hurry and come, all you neighboring peoples,assemble there!Bring down, Lord, your warriors!
12 Let the nations rouse themselves and come upto the Valley of Jehoshaphat;For there I will sit in judgmentupon all the neighboring nations.