35 the owner of the house shall come and report to the priest, “Something like an infection has appeared in my house.”
36 The priest shall then order the house to be cleared out before he goes in to examine the infection, lest everything in the house become unclean. Only after this is he to go in to examine the house.
37 If the priest, upon inspection, finds that the infection on the walls of the house consists of greenish or reddish spots which seem to go deeper than the surface of the wall,
38 he shall go out of the house to the doorway and quarantine the house for seven days.
39 On the seventh day the priest shall return. If, upon inspection, he finds that the infection has spread on the walls,
40 he shall order the infected stones to be pulled out and cast in an unclean place outside the city.
41 The whole inside of the house shall then be scraped, and the mortar that has been scraped off shall be dumped in an unclean place outside the city.