6 The remnant of Jacob shall bein the midst of many peoples,Like dew coming from the Lord,like showers on the grass,Which wait for no one,delay for no human being.
7 And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the nations,in the midst of many peoples,Like a lion among beasts of the forest,like a young lion among flocks of sheep;When it passes through it tramples;it tears and no one can rescue.
8 Your hand shall be lifted above your foes,and all your enemies shall be cut down.
9 On that day—oracle of the Lord—I will destroy the horses from your midstand ruin your chariots;
10 I will destroy the cities of your landand tear down all your fortresses.
11 I will destroy the sorcery you practice,and there shall no longer be soothsayers among you.
12 I will destroy your carved figuresand the sacred stones from your midst;And you shall no longer worshipthe works of your hands.