16 Moses said to Korah, “You and all your faction shall appear before the Lord tomorrow—you and they and Aaron too.
17 Then each of you take his own censer, put incense in it, and present it before the Lord, two hundred and fifty censers; and you and Aaron, each with his own censer, do the same.”
18 So each of them took their censers, and laying incense on the fire they had put in them, they took their stand by the entrance of the tent of meeting along with Moses and Aaron.
19 Then, when Korah had assembled all the community against them at the entrance of the tent of meeting, the glory of the Lord appeared to the entire community,
20 and the Lord said to Moses and Aaron:
21 Stand apart from this community, that I may consume them at once.
22 But they fell prostrate and exclaimed, “O God, God of the spirits of all living creatures, if one man sins will you be angry with the whole community?”