8 and her husband learns of it, yet says nothing to her on the day he learns it, then the vows or the pledges to which she bound herself remain valid.
9 But if on the day her husband learns of it he opposes her, he thereby annuls the vow she had made or the rash pledge to which she had bound herself, and the Lord will release her from it.
10 (The vow of a widow or of a divorced woman, however, any pledge to which such a woman binds herself, is valid.)
11 “If it is in her husband’s house that she makes a vow or binds herself under oath to a pledge,
12 and her husband learns of it yet says nothing to her to oppose her, then all her vows remain valid or any pledge to which she has bound herself.
13 But if on the day he learns of them her husband annuls them, then whatever she has expressly promised in her vows or in her pledge becomes invalid; since her husband has annulled them, the Lord will release her from them.
14 “Any vow or any pledge that she makes under oath to humble herself, her husband may either confirm or annul.