7 To the border they have driven you—all your allies;Your partners have deceived you,they have overpowered you;Those who eat your breadwill replace you with foreigners,who have no understanding.
8 On that day—oracle of the Lord—will I notmake the wise disappear from Edom,and understanding from Mount Esau?
9 Teman, your warriors will be terror-stricken,so that everyone on Mount Esau will be cut down.
10 Because of violence to your brother Jacob,disgrace will cover you,you will be done away with forever!
11 On the day you stood by,the day strangers carried off his possessions,And foreigners entered his gatesand cast lots for Jerusalem,you too were like one of them.
12 Do not gloat over the day of your brother,the day of his disaster;Do not exult over the people of Judahon the day of their ruin;Do not speak haughtilyon the day of distress!
13 Do not enter the gate of my peopleon the day of their calamity;Do not gloat—especially you—over his misfortuneon the day of his calamity;Do not lay hands upon his possessionson the day of his calamity!