6 Do not stare at me because I am so black,because the sun has burned me.The sons of my mother were angry with me;they charged me with the care of the vineyards:my own vineyard I did not take care of.
7 W Tell me, you whom my soul loves,where you shepherd, where you give rest at midday.Why should I be like one wanderingafter the flocks of your companions?
8 M If you do not know,most beautiful among women,Follow the tracks of the flockand pasture your lambsnear the shepherds’ tents.
9 M To a mare among Pharaoh’s chariotryI compare you, my friend:
10 Your cheeks lovely in pendants,your neck in jewels.
11 We will make pendants of gold for you,and ornaments of silver.
12 W While the king was upon his couch,my spikenard gave forth its fragrance.