Tobit 3:10-16 NABRE

10 That day Sarah was sad at heart. She went in tears to an upstairs room in her father’s house and wanted to hang herself. But she reconsidered, saying to herself: “No! May people never reproach my father and say to him, ‘You had only one beloved daughter, but she hanged herself because of her misfortune.’ And thus would I bring my father laden with sorrow in his old age to Hades. It is far better for me not to hang myself, but to beg the Lord that I might die, and no longer have to listen to such reproaches in my lifetime.”

11 At that same time, with hands outstretched toward the window, she implored favor:“Blessed are you, merciful God!Blessed be your holy and honorable name forever!May all your works forever bless you.

12 Now to you, Lord, I have turned my faceand have lifted up my eyes.

13 Bid me to depart from the earth,never again to listen to such reproaches.

14 “You know, Master, that I am cleanof any defilement with a man.

15 I have never sullied my own nameor my father’s name in the land of my captivity.“I am my father’s only daughter,and he has no other child to be his heir,Nor does he have a kinsman or close relativewhose wife I should wait to become.Seven husbands of mine have already died.Why then should I live any longer?But if it does not please you, Lord, to take my life,look favorably upon me and have pity on me,that I may never again listen to such reproaches!”

16 At that very time, the prayer of both of them was heard in the glorious presence of God.