19 “Israel, your leaders have been killed on the hills.How the mighty have fallen in battle!
20 Don’t tell it in Gath.Don’t announce it in the streets of Ashkelon.If you do, the Philistine women will be happy.The daughters of the Philistines will rejoice.
21 “May there be no dew or rain on the mountains of Gilboa,and may their fields produce no grain,because there the mighty warrior’s shield was dishonored.Saul’s shield will no longer be rubbed with oil.
22 Jonathan’s bow did not failto kill many soldiers.Saul’s sword did not failto wound many strong men.
23 “We loved Saul and Jonathanand enjoyed them while they lived.They are together even in death.They were faster than eagles.They were stronger than lions.
24 “You daughters of Israel, cry for Saul.Saul clothed you with red dressesand put gold decorations on them.
25 “How the mighty have fallen in battle!Jonathan is dead on Gilboa’s hills.