1 This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Moab,I will punish them.They burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime.
2 So I will send fire on Moabthat will destroy the strong buildings of the city of Kerioth.The people of Moab will die in a great noise,in the middle of the sounds of war and trumpets.
3 So I will bring an end to the king of Moab,and I will kill all its leaders with him,” says the Lord.
4 This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Judah,I will punish them.They rejected the teachings of the Lordand did not keep his commands;they followed the same godsas their ancestors had followed.
5 So I will send fire on Judah,and it will destroy the strong buildings of Jerusalem.”
6 This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Israel,I will punish them.For silver, they sell people who have done nothing wrong;they sell the poor to buy a pair of sandals.