3 Two people will not walk togetherunless they have agreed to do so.
4 A lion in the forest does not roarunless it has caught an animal;it does not growl in its denwhen it has caught nothing.
5 A bird will not fall into a trapwhere there is no bait;the trap will not spring shutif there is nothing to catch.
6 When a trumpet blows a warning in a city,the people tremble.When trouble comes to a city,the Lord has caused it.
7 Before the Lord God does anything,he tells his plans to his servants the prophets.
8 The lion has roared!Who wouldn’t be afraid?The Lord God has spoken.Who will not prophesy?
9 Announce this to the strong buildings of Ashdodand to the strong buildings of Egypt:“Come to the mountains of Samaria,where you will see great confusionand people hurting others.”